If you own a business, you know the value of having a credit card. It’s difficult to pay for your business expenses without a credit card, and you may have to make fixed payments even during the slow months. But a business credit card can smooth out those fluctuations and offer ready financing in the event of emergencies. Unlike a personal card, a business credit card works much like a personal one: you charge your purchases, and you receive a statement after each billing cycle.
Business credit cards are available from a variety of financial institutions. Getting one will require you to establish good credit, which can be useful in the future. Using your business credit card responsibly builds business credit, which can be used for funding your business expenses. As long as you maintain a good personal credit score, your business credit card should be able to earn you better interest rates than your personal ones.
One of the main benefits of a business credit card is its ease of use. Many business credit cards offer interest-free periods for a certain amount of time. If you are a new business or have a small budget, an interest-free period can be useful. It is also a good way to save money in the short run, as the 0% interest rate can help you with your cash flow. Many business credit cards also offer rewards programs, which are great for attracting customers. These rewards come in the form of cash back and points and can make a good return for your business.