If you want to create your own signature style, you can start with the work of some of the most talented designers in history. These designers have helped make fashion a staple in our lives. Whether it is a simple pair of shoes or a designer gown, there is something for everyone from the past. But there are a few designers that have made a lasting impression on the fashion industry. These designers have paved the way for modern design and have made it more exciting than ever.
Vivienne Westwood is a controversial fashion designer. She began her career by creating a boutique called Jolly in 1968 and is now well known for her elegant party dresses. Along with her brother, she also runs the fashion distribution company Aeffe. She has always been interested in textiles and showcases unique textures and mixed patterns in her designs. Her work was recognized by celebrities and has won numerous awards.
Oscar de la Renta is another popular designer. His women’s clothing is known for its bold red and feminine lines. Several celebrities have been spotted wearing his designs, including Hillary Clinton and Sarah Jessica Parker. His designs have been a staple in the fashion industry for many years and are renowned all over the world. Aside from being a celebrated designer, he is also a humanitarian, involved in various endeavors to help women and their communities.